What should we expect from Warring thru Worship 2023?
Friday, October 27, 5:30pm – Sunday, October 29
We’ve learned that the visions God gives us often change and grow. Warring thru Worship this year will not look the same way it did back in the begining. Instead of a one night worship service and passing out tracts and candy, this weekend will consist more of session time, worship, time to process and connect with the things heard, and ways of putting those things to practice, as well as plenty of time for fun and fellowship.
Something God has showed me is that in order for us to be able to step out in his calling for us, pushing back the darkness and claiming back ground from the enemy, we first need to take a look at our own hearts. In what ways are we believing the lies of the enemy? What places in our heart need the healing touch of Jesus? Where are we holding back from or resisting the changes God wants us to make?
This weekend is meant to lead a path to finding those answers and building a deeper relationship with the Father, so that we then have the power and authority to step into our callings and passions with boldness and peace.
Our theme this year is “What is Worship?”. There is so much power in worship, but so often we don’t recognize it, and often we don’t even have a good understanding of what worship really is. Our desire is that this weekend would help broaden our understanding of, and therefore our ability to worship.
Warring thru Worship 2023 will be hosted at the beautiful Elkhorn Valley Christian Service Camp in Bergholz, Ohio. Checkin is between 5:30 and 6:30 Friday evening, October 27th, and the evening will be filled with food, worship, games, and a bonfire. Saturday will be full of times of worship and prayer, sessions, and small group time. Some of the session titles include “It starts with worship” and “It takes surrender”. We also have some exciting things like prayer walking and a round-town scavenger hunt planned. We’ll end the weekend on Sunday, October 29, with worship, our last session, and a time of sharing and testimonies.
Although all good things must come to and end, and if this year is anything like previous years the weekend will feel way too short, we hope it doesn’t end here. This year Warring thru Worship happens to be a few days before Halloween. Our hope is to inspire and encourage each person to go home with a fresh burden and vision for worship, and to put it into action starting Halloween night. How powerful would it be if each one of us takes the burden home to our own churches and communities, and if on one of the darkest nights of the year, God’s people would rise up and worship?!